Committed to protecting Lighthouse Point from reckless and damaging development with an immediate focus on stopping a proposed acquisition by Disney for a private cruise port.

Stop Disney from Destroying Lighthouse Point in Eleuthera


When you consider the environmental decimation, the undelivered employment promises, and lost accessibility to the area and lost historical significance that a cruise port development from Disney would bring, consider instead to stand with us against this form of development.

Lighthouse Point - Delicate Reef System

Environmental Destruction

The plain facts are these: the Bahamian archipelago is an extremely fragile ecosystem, delicately balanced by means of its thin soil on land without capacity to regrow species upon exhaustion, and sensitive coral formation that has been proven time and time again can not withstand the hoards of people packed on the visiting cruise ships.

Once gone, the coral does not return, nor do the fish that inhabit it, and it remains a sterile sea that will not support the people that have relied on it for centuries.

The area is home to a high level of biological diversity and boasts every single plant habitat save one. Its coppice forest consists of a unique combination of species, including 8 species of plants that exist no where else except the archipelago of the Bahamas. Over 200 species of birds call upon this area for habitation, and the area includes Big Pond, a hyper-saline pond that reported contains stromatolites, the Earth's oldest fossil formation. On and on, facts demand the preservation, not the destruction of this wondrous land.

Private Cruise Port Gates Eliminate Access to Locals and Stay Over Visitors

Inaccessibility to Locals & Visitors

To date, Lighthouse Point, albeit privately owned, has remained open to ALL visitors. It is truly God's landmark.

The Bahamians deserve to preserve their land, ancestry and culture. The air and sea visitors deserve access to one of the last untouched places in this world. It is a majesty like no other.

A private cruise port eliminates that access and becomes only for the chosen deserves to be enjoyed and marveled at by all.

Disney Will Not Bring Sustainable Jobs to Eleutherans

Economic Decline Amongst a Promise of Jobs

Disney and their "local representatives" have promised 150 jobs.

Historically, cruise ports hire very few locals to man their private ports. Furthermore, they end up taking onboard cruise members onto the private ports to work. None or few locals have full time, employment with growth potential. Bahamians remain at the hands of foreign development that ends up weeding them out of the economic picture.

Cruise visitors rarely leave port except for cruise port controlled excursions. This brings nothing to the rest of the island in terms of tourism. It ends up harming existing tourism as eco-tourists that visit today will possibly no longer visit and spend on local businesses.

Disney Will Ruin Eleutheran Culture and History

Cultural & Historical Downfall

An article by The Bahamas Weekly states it best:

Prominent Bahamians, ordinary citizens and foreigners have signed the LHP petition that states, “Archaeological and scientific findings have been significant and as reported this place is considered to be one of the most important, unexplored archaeological and scientific sites in The Bahamas.” The nearby Millars Slave Plantation has artifacts that date back to the early 1780’s and traces of the Lucayans can be found in the ruins of old Bannerman town and at Lighthouse Point.

There is still so much to learn so it is so important to maintain its pristine and untouched condition. Development of this nature will forever destroy Bahamian culture and history.


Commited to Protecting Lighthouse Point from Commercial Development

We as a group of individuals are committed to protecting from destructive development, the area generally known as Lighthouse Point, South Eleuthera.

Committed to Acquiring Participation from Environmental Organizations

We will seek to acquire participation from and assist organizations and individuals that are dedicated to marine and shoreline preservation the world over that have expertise in this area and can help us in the fight to preserve this important cultural and natural area.

Supporting Existing Organizations Working Hard to Protect Lighthouse Point

We will lend our support in any way we are capable, to organizations that can and will propose plans that facilitate and encourage local and intentionally planned responsible sustainable development that will preserve the Lighthouse Point area for the accessibility and enjoyment of Bahamians and visitors for generations to come.

Committed to Providing Information for All Wanting to Learn More About Our Fight Against Disney

We will commit our resources to bring to light, in appropriate responsible media outlets and by means of social media, any and all developments that would seek to alter the natural land and seascape to suit the development’s needs. In particular, the proposed Disney plans for this area will be resisted thoroughly and in their entirety.




Compare Plans

So, what does “sustainable” look like? What does “environmental preservation” sound like? Compare these two visions for the area of Lighthouse Point and decide for yourself which one works with the natural gifts of the area and which one just uses them. Then decide which one deserves your support.

Support the LHP Partners Plan
  1. Will provide access to Lighthouse Point to all by virtue of a designation as a National Park.
  2. Will strengthen the gateway communities in South Eleuthera and connect the economy in this area to all of Eleuthera’s environmental, cultural and historical treasures in a sustainable, manageable plan.
  3. Will be a new model going forward that can be applied to every island in the Bahamas, to sustain and grow communities, while preserving their deep cultural heritage and natural gifts.
  4. Will bring permanent, full time employment with fair compensation and a potential for growth that reaches far into the future. In addition, will provide entrepreneurial opportunities to Bahamians and be a catalyst for a secure, independent future.
Oppose Proposal by Disney to Privitize Lighthouse Point
  1. Will restrict access to only cruise ship passengers. The current proposal states partial access, yet the most sacred areas will be privitized. ALL 700 acres must be accessible to ALL.
  2. Will weaken the communities in South Eleuthera by restricting access for locals and shutting out tourists who have already made this area one of the island’s top rated attractions, popular because of its natural beauty and uncrowded surroundings. These tourist dollars do not return.
  3. Will prove to be a broken model that will deplete local communities of people and their way of life. The connection to their history and culture is impossible if they are forced to move out of the area.
  4. Will bring no guarantees of permanent jobs, no guarantees of Bahamians being employed, and no guarantees of future employment. If business declines, the jobs go. There will be no security or entrepreneurial opportunities. The Disney Plan plans to make money, and that to go into their pockets.
Existing Private Princess Cruise Line Port Does Not Contribute to Economy of Eleuthera

A Case in Point

What "Economic Opportunity" looks like to a private cruise port operation.

Does this look like an economic model you would support? What you are looking at is an area just outside a private cruise port location on Eleuthera. Inside the gated compound, hoards of tourists spend their time on the beach, shopping at little kiosks that are manned only on cruise ship day, buying drinks at pop up bars and playing in the sand. The cruise ship company that operates this location gets a cut of every transaction one way or another. Either directly as a part of their onshore business, a percentage of a kiosk that is operated independently, or rent from these kiosks, particularly if the returns from a percentage of the sales aren't as reliable. So let's distill this down to the bare facts:

Inside the compound: Thousands of people using and often without being aware, abusing the delicate ecosystems this land provides. Thousands of people spending money, most of it staying in the pockets of the cruise ship companies. Those of the employees that are locals, which based on observations at other destinations does not guarantee even half are, are working at part time jobs, often 3 days a week that spans a tourist season of some 40 weeks long. Not enough to support a family.

Outside the compound: The opportunity to keep all the profits from sales that an operator can make, but few customers. Two Cruise ship patrons that did appear outside the gates stated that they were discouraged from exploring  beyond the gates because it was made to appear to be dangerous to do so and approach the vendors. Thus, very little money is spent outside the gates. Very little opportunity to make a living.

Does any of this appear to be a sound business model that Eleuthera wishes to adopt?  

Lessons Learned from 50 Years of Cruising the Caribbean - CREST Report

Lessons Learned from Over 50 Years of Cruising in the Caribbean

Here is a report presented by the Executive Director of CREST, Martha Honey at a Sustainable Tourism Conference held in 2017. In it you will find compelling, fact based evidence to support the fight against cruise ship port development and expansion.

This tourism model is not ecologically sustaining nor economically sound for the local economy.

Those that do not learn from the mistakes recorded in history, are doomed to repeat them!

Read Full Report


Why Lighthouse Point is so Special

Because it resonates within those who witness its majesty. It fairly drips it is so saturated with beauty and impact when you finally succeed in getting there. To be sure, the road is rough, long and hard. There are many reviews that testify to this fact. Perhaps that is some of its charm, that it takes a lot of perseverance to get there. But it’s more than that. Much, much more.

Though there are at times a few people sharing the experience with you, the serenity envelopes you, the bright, clear waves that play upon its shores mesmerize you, the languid air bids you ease, and for perhaps the first time in a long time, you are at rest. These are just a few moments recalled from days past, moments that shine as bright in the memory as the day they were enjoyed. To these memories are married facts that we have learned of the area. Important facts such as ecologically diverse, historically important, culturally relevant, and economically imperative.

These however, melt into the sea when you survey what is before you and you drink in this resplendent point of land, islands trailing off like bright emeralds in a sea of sapphires. The greatest thing about Lighthouse Point is that it speaks to our soul, and our soul responds.


Contact the Bahamian Government in Opposition of Disney
Speak Out

Your voice is important and can make a difference. Please consider helping us by lending it to the growing throng sending letters directly the Bahamian governmental officials who have the power to stop this development.

It is imperative that government officials hear as many voices as possible against Disney's proposal.

Use our forms to submit directly to members of Parliament

Fastest way to be heard. Send your opposition directly to Prime Minister Minnis, Deputy Prime Minister Turnquest and Minister D'Aguilar.

Please select ONLY the link below that represents the group which you most closely identify with:

I am a One Eleuthera Member

I am an Eleutheran

I am a Bahamian


Form letters for Permanent & Winter Residents and Stay-Over Tourists can be found below. Please do NOT use the above forms unless you are an Eleutheran, Bahamian or One Eleuthera Member

I am a Permanent or Winter Resident

I am a Stay-Over Tourist

Want to send your own letters?

Below are key members of Parliament to contact:

Dr. The Hon. Hubert Alexander Minnis
Prime Minister
Fax: (242) 327-5806
Facebook Page

The Hon. Dionisio James D'Aguilar
Minister of Tourism and Aviation
Fax: (242) 302-2098

Bahamas Chamber of Commerce
Fax: (242) 322-4649
Facebook Page

Sign the Save Lighthouse Point Petition
Sign the Petition

With almost 300,000 signatures to date, please help us Save Lighthouse Point by signing a petition to Disney.

Donate to Lighthouse Point Protection Coalition

For those contemplating supporting our fund, these funds go directly to the preservation of Lighthouse Point and to fund efforts that include:

We are not here to draw donations that would otherwise be made to One Eleuthera, Bahamas National Trust and like minded Organizations that have presented a united front against Disney.

Support Lighthouse Point Protection Coalition on Social Media
Support Us on Social Media

Please visit our Facebook Group and become a member. Selecting the above link or left image will take you directly to our group page.

You may also Like or Share this page on your own timeline by selecting options below. The more you join, share and like our cause, the more you help us and our partner organizations to promote awareness of the importance of Lighthouse Point, and ultimately, protect it.


Coverage on Opposition to Disney Proposal

News Articles

Pro-Disney South Eleutheran

News Articles

Egg Island Reference Material

News Articles

Past Government Articles Conflicting with Current Disney Proposal

News Articles

Past & Present Disney Developments

Historical and Cultural Resources